longer confined to controlled test tracks or even to placid suburban
streets-they're tackling real traffic in US cities such as New York, San
Francisco, and Pittsburgh. They're honing their skills amidst humans in
Europe, South Korea, Singapore, and Japan. They're preparing for the
day they can purify our chaotic streets with their robotic perfection.
Learning how
to drive in places like unruly Boston, a land of creative left turns
and seemingly optional yields, comes with its challenges. But the
aggressive driving and the complexity of the city's twisting streets
pale in comparison to the developing world. Even Patriots fans look like
goody two-shoes compared to drivers who have little to zero respect for
lanes, traffic signals, warning signs, and speed limits.
wide roads without lanes and huge, anarchic intersections all over the
world, human interaction dictates traffic flows, with each driver
adjusting to others' maneuvers on the spot, regardless of what the rule
book says.
informal systems work for the most part, but they come at a high cost.
Of the 50 countries with the deadliest roads, 44 are in Africa or the
Middle East, according to 2013 figures from the World Health
Organization (the most recent data available). Together these nations
accounted for nearly 250,000 deaths in 2013-a fifth of the world's
the factors that make these places the most likely to benefit from
autonomous cars also make them the least likely to get the technology
anytime soon.
of the things that we're doing in self-driving at the moment probably
wouldn't work if we were trying to do it in a third-world country," says
Ram Vasudevan, codirector of the University of Michigan's Ford Center
for Autonomous Vehicles.
Unstructured Driving
driving requires understanding the intent and trajectory of everyone
and everything on the road: vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians,
construction workers, playing children, pets, an errant dart from a Nerf
gun. In driving environments governed by a set of rules that people
actually follow, the law limits the sorts of behaviors an autonomous
vehicle should expect in the world around it.
fewer formal rules in place, the more the ability to predict intent
matters. Around wild humans, cars can't rely on shared guidelines to
dictate behavior. Basic driver assists that keep cars inside painted
lanes, for example, are only useful if everyone else on the road
respects lane markings. Otherwise they're useless, or even dangerous.
to suburban and even urban America, driving environments in many Middle
Eastern and African countries have all the structure of a jellyfish. In
Lebanon, where I live, it's common to see cars driving the wrong way,
running red lights, and zigzagging across wide roads without the
slightest regard to lane markings, among other shenanigans.
are no rules here. Everything is possible," said Daniel Asmar, a
computer-vision expert and engineering professor at the American
University of Beirut. "Humans can deal quite well with that, even if
they get frustrated and honk at each other." For computers, the chaos
would be an enormous challenge.
in relatively orderly environments, a confusing situation such as a
freeway merge can make a self-driving car hesitate long enough to hold
up traffic or even cause an accident, Vasudevan says. This might be
because the car's software, erring on the safe side, isn't willing to
merge in front of a speeding car, or because the car needed more time to
understand the scene around it and the intent of other drivers. Put the
same car on a road where stop signs, traffic signals, and yielding
rules don't exist or are routinely ignored, and its reaction times will
need to be a great deal sharper to survive.
more, self-driving cars need the help of mapping data that doesn't yet
exist in most parts of the world. Autonomous driving requires highly
detailed street maps that contain everything from the height of street
curbs, to the location of temporary construction detours, to the exact
position of street signs and traffic lights in 3-D space. Those maps
have already been developed for cities with self-driving fleets, and
they're constantly being updated using data that autonomous cars capture
as they drive around.
places like Lebanon, where two-dimensional Google and Apple Maps
contain basic mistakes, missing data is an enormous disadvantage. Even
if detailed maps existed, they would require intensive upkeep. "In a
structured environment, you wouldn't have to do it that often, because
things are pretty much staying the same," Asmar says. "In an
unstructured environment, where things are changing all the time, you
can imagine how many times you have to keep building this platform over
and over again. It's a really daunting task."
few wealthy countries in the Middle East are already moving toward
autonomous driving. Israeli companies are behind important developments
in autonomous driving software, and the country opened its first test
track for driverless cars last month. In Dubai, a 10-seater driverless
shuttle began trundling through a riverside business district last year.
City officials are aiming for a quarter of local trips to be
made without a driver by 2030, and Dubai's police force is planning to
roll out tiny self-driving patrol cars by the end of the year.
it appears India and China are the only countries that contain both
driving chaos and local companies developing autonomous vehicles.
Unsurprisingly, their efforts face extra hurdles. India's Tata has
created a testing track outside Bangalore to simulate local roads,
complete with fearless pedestrians and stray cattle, Bloomberg reported.
The company still has a long way to go: Its computer-vision systems
currently fail to identify 15 percent of vehicles on Indian roads, a
senior vice president at Tata told Bloomberg, because of the sheer
variety in their shapes and sizes. (When former Uber CEO Travis Kalanick
visited India last year, he joked that the country would be "the last
one on earth" to get self-driving cars. "Have you seen the way people
drive here?")
Baidu, meanwhile, is openly working on autonomous driving, teaming up
with more than 50 international companies to develop its software. In a
recent video demo, Baidu CEO Robin Li sat in a self-driving car as it
wound its way through Beijing traffic-making a few unsafe maneuvers
along the way. Since self-driving cars aren't currently road-legal in
China, Chinese police said they'd investigate whether Li broke any laws.
(India is moving toward a similar ban, citing concerns about job
losses.) Despite the regulatory hurdles, Baidu's president, Ya-Qin
Zhang, told Bloomberg that he's confident that the company's autonomous
cars will be on the road "as early as next year."
Didi Chuxing, the reigning ride-hailing company in China, is taking a much more measured approach. Although it opened an office in California earlier
this year to develop autonomous driving technology, the company's
president, Jean Liu, said in a recent interview with Charlie Rose that a
sudden, "disruptive" switch to autonomous driving would be dangerous.
"I think people should be more, you know, focusing on how safe it is
[rather] than how soon it can come out," Liu said.
China, autonomous vehicles won't just have to learn to deal with cars,
electric scooters, and pedestrians that don't follow the rules, a Didi
spokesperson said-they would need to be able to understand regional
differences in signage and traffic signaling, which aren't standardized
in China like they are in the US or Europe. There, Didi's size offers it
an advantage. The company says its human drivers give 25 million rides
every day, generating more than 70 terabytes of data daily that it can
mine to develop its autonomous driving capabilities.
Following the Leader
now, many companies are testing their autonomous vehicles by throwing
unexpected scenarios at them on controlled tracks. At Castle, Waymo's
secret compound for training its cars, human assistants cut off
self-driving minivans at high speed, back out of blind driveways into
their path, and throw basketballs at them, all to test and improve the
cars' reactions.
artificial intelligence that's trained on one set of assumptions can
fail when it meets a different set. Studies have found that
facial-recognition algorithms trained on Caucasian test subjects perform
poorly on African American faces, and algorithms trained on East Asian
subjects perform poorly on Caucasian faces. The same might go for
self-driving cars. Software trained on worst-case scenarios that involve
flying basketballs and dicey merges might freak out at the sight of two
dudes hanging out the back of a station wagon on a fast-moving highway.
vast regional variations in how people drive, manufacturers might not
have to create a Ghana version and an Iran version and a Southwest India
version of their driving software. "It's really the same math and the
same software that's going to exist in every cultural context," says
Matthew Johnson-Roberson, a University of Michigan engineering professor
and the Ford Center's other codirector.
matters most is that cars are trained to react to all of them. A
spokesperson for Uber, which is testing self-driving cars in the US and
Canada, said that its cars have driven more than a million autonomous
miles in multiple cities, under different conditions and during
different times of day, in order to improve its software's adaptability.
if self-driving software understands unruly drivers and can predict how
they're likely to break the law, autonomous vehicles will probably be
constrained by it. Uber's cars will always follow local traffic laws, a
company spokesperson says. Stephan Hoenle, senior vice president of
automated driving at Bosch, agrees. "You can drive more aggressively or
defensively without breaking the rules," Hoenle says. An autonomous
vehicle's driving style might vary from one market to another based on
demand and expectations, but violating the law isn't an option-it's too
great a liability for a manufacturer.
problem is that in some places, driving according to the letter of the
law could be more dangerous than aping law-breaking human drivers.
Failing to adjust when impatient commuters turn a two-lane road into a
four-lane highway by driving on the shoulder during rush hour can
quickly lead to an ugly pileup.
Back of the Line
someone steeped in the day-to-day work of teaching computers to drive
better than humans, the details of where self-driving cars will end up
might not seem very pressing. "It doesn't even work here, right?" said
the University of Michigan's Johnson-Roberson. "From an engineering
perspective, I don't know anyone who's working on this, because some of
the fundamentals are still not there."
off these questions risks shunting the very regions that most need
self-driving technology to the very end of the line. Hoenle claims no
part of the world will be excluded from self-driving cars' eventual
rollout but acknowledges it won't happen all at once. Compared to the US
and Europe, he says, "normally some of these other continents have a
slower technology ramp-up curve."
developing world will eventually catch up, predicts Carlo Ratti, the
director of MIT's Senseable City Lab. "Every technology needs to start
somewhere-and often it starts at the cutting edge," he wrote in an
email. "At the beginning, new technologies can increase existing
societal gaps between the haves and have-nots. However, the subsequent
dissemination of technology can cause interesting 'leapfrogging' effects
and help reduce gaps."
phones, for example, were at first only available to rich Westerners.
Now they're abundant in Africa, where startups are coming up with new
ideas for mobile banking and healthcare provision. "There is no reason
to think that self-driving cars will follow a different path," Ratti
gap between introduction and the "leapfrog" stage might be considerably
longer for self-driving cars, which have to adapt to their
surroundings, need gobs of data specific to each street they drive, and
have the potential to kill if poorly designed.
that put off questions about regional differences and leave matters to
the "ramp-up curve" will be locked out of an immense market. And as
their lifesaving autonomous technology rolls onto friendly roads in
places such as North America, Europe, and Singapore, it may leave behind
the developing countries that most desperately need that technology.
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